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myFICO for Homebuyers

Take control of your mortgage rate.
FICO® scores are used in over 75% of mortgage decisions. The more you know about your FICO score and the factors that drive it, the more empowered you'll be to improve your score over time — and earn the best rate you can for your original mortgage or refinancing.
FICO Score Reports
FICO Score Reports are the only way for you to obtain all three of your FICO credit scores, the same scores that your mortgage lender will access, before applying for a loan. Get all three of your FICO scores plus your credit reports from Equifax, TransUnion and Experian and an explanation of your scores, plus access to the FICO Score Simulator.
$14.95 each

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FICO Saver for Homebuyers
Prepare to get the best mortgage by understanding how lenders will rate your mortgage application and by learning the details of the property you want to buy. Get access to your FICO Score and credit report from Equifax, detailed property profile for a property and access to the Mortgage Coach.

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See how your FICO score can impact your mortgage rate
720 - 850  5.834%
700 - 719  5.959%
675 - 699  6.497%
620 - 674  7.647%
560 - 619  8.531%
500 - 559  9.289%

See today's rates for other mortgage
options...In your state

Learn more about FICO Scores

    What homebuyers should know about credit scores
    What is a FICO score?
    Ten ways to improve your score
    See how improving your score can drive interest savings



Mortgage Loan Consultant


(415) 724-9294 Phone
